Thursday, December 22, 2011

P90X2 Fever Increases

With only 3 days until the release of P90X2, many P90X grads can't wait for Christmas. There has been much hype and excitement over P90X2 and soon it will be known if it really is worth it. P90X2 featured PAP workouts and the chance to get into the shape of professional athletes. P90X2 also recommends you get more equipment to give you more of a burn. However, this equipment is only recommended, not required. I guess we will all have to wait to see if P90X2 is as good as Beachbody makes it seem. Good luck to all of you fellow P90X2 students out there!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pre-order P90X2 for Free!!!

With the economy in a very tight spot and the cost of P90X2 is so high, i did not have the money to pay for it. Because of this dilemma, i looked for ways to pre-order P90X2 for free.Within a few hours i found a website that i could earn money off of. This website never asked me for my credit card number (any that do are scams!!!) and i got enough money to pre-order P90X2 within a few days. Once you get money, all you have to do is give them your PayPal email address and they will instantly add the money into your account! Since i know we are all in a tough economic time, i wanted to share with everyone how i pre-ordered P90X2 for free so anyone else can do the same if they want. Here is the website i pre-ordered P90X2 for free from:

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

P90X2 Secrets Revealed

Here is all the latest information about P90X2.  This was taken from a Webinar with Tony Horton, Steve Edwards (director of results since 2001),and the Beachbody team.  I set this up as kinda a question and answer format, so keep reading and your P90X2 questions might be answered.  Below you will find out pricing for the 3 P90X2 kits, and info on how to pre-ordering P90X2.  You will also see what comes with P90X2 and what you need to purchase in order to get all 14 dvds.  Release date is set for Mid December, but you will need to Pre-Order in order to guarantee delivery by that date.
What Is P90X2?
-A 90 day cutting edge fitness program that takes P90X Muscle Confusion to a new level, Focusing on Strength, Balance, Mobility, and explosive Power.
-Developed by a world-class team of fitness experts
-The most modern thinking in sports science
-Helps people become true athletes.

How Does The Program Work?
-It’s an evolution to P90X
-The P90X2 system
-Periodized Evolution (MC2), 5 days per week,
- Functionality, Insability, Form is King, Mobility, Flexibility, Neuro-Integrated Stretching.

The Program Training Phases
The schedule is a little more opened.  You can stay in each phase longer if you need them longer.  So you can schedule your recovery week when you need it.
Phase 1: Foundation Phase (3-5 week)
Phase 2: Strength Phase, (3-6 weeks)
Phase 3: Performance Phase (3-4 weeks)
Truly fit by the end if every way.
Recovery week: You will be able to select when you need your recovery week.

What Kind of Results Can One Expect?
-Phase 1:  You’ll move better, You’ll feel better, You’ll be far less likely to get injured.   You will be able to move in a functional way and create more of a muscular balance.
-Phase 2:  You’ll get stronger through a wider range of moition, You’ll get more supple, you’ll look good
-Phase 3:  You’ll Jump Higher, run faster, be more explosive, You will start to feel like a kid again.

Who is it for?
-Power90 and P90X Grads
-Graduates of other “Extreme” Programs like Insanity, Asylum, TurboFire, ChaLEAN Extreme
-Athletes looking to improve performance
-Former Athletes wanting to get back in shape.

How does if differ from P90X, Insanity, and Asylum?
-  P90X questions have been answered.  It has more flexibility, phases are different and cover more physiological ground.  More targeted on weaknesses, more focused, and more compartmentalized.  P90X2 is training for sp orts, Diet plan is more versatile.

What is P.A.P. Training?
- Post Activatoin Potentiation
- Doing a weighted resistance exercise prior to an explosive one can increase the amount of power produced by conditioned individuals.  Very counter-intuitive than how we normally train.  In conditioned athletes, “loading ” a muscle actually activates “muscle cell motor units” and makes you be able to lift more weight or explode more.  You have a short window after the resistance exercise to make you perform better and make you feel like a kid.  The “complexes” are put together to take advantage of this.  Marcus Elliott helped to refine this and brought it to P90X2.

What Makes This Program Unique?

- Where else do you get functional training, strength training, plyometrics and p ost-activation potentiation in one program.
-  New Tools, New techniques

What are the Workouts?
How to Bring It Again: Introductory DVD that teaches you how to bring it while doing P90X2
X2 Core:  This is a new version of Core Synergistics.  Total body workout with balance and stability focus.
Plyocide:  Plyometrics taken to the next level.  Lateral movements have been added this time.

X2 Recovery + Mobility:  Foam rolling and stretching to help aid recovery.
X2 Total Body:  Total body workout that it’s up every single body part.  You will do a little bit of everything in this one.
X2 Yoga:  60 mins of Yoga this time.  Emphasis on the moving exercises.
Balance + Power:  This combines balance move with strength moves, very tough…trust me, I have done it during rehearsals.
Chest & Back + Balance:  This is 1 of the workouts that I am in.  Push and Pull workout.  New Pull up moves and push ups on med balls…fun!
X2 Shoulders + Arms:  Brand new moves to take your shoulders and arm workout to the next level.
Base & Back:   Combines Plyometric leg exercises with Pull ups.  2 of the largest muscle groups in your body.
PAP Lower:  The new scientific sports training that is designed to focus on performance. Strength moves followed by explosive moves to make you explode.
PAP Upper: The new scientific sports training that is designed to focus on performance.  Strength moves followed by explosive moves to make you explode.
X2 Ab Ripper:  All new ab ripping moves.  This one will hurt…in a good way.  You might already “hate it but love it”
V Sculpt*The 2nd workout that I am in.  Back/Biceps taken to a new level.  Pull ups like you have never seen.  Bicep moves that will challenge every part of your fitness.  Movements are all done from an Athletic stance so that strength gains will be applicable to real world movements.

X2 Chest + Shoulders + Tris*All push worrkout.  New exercises for new muscle confusion.  This forces your “push” muscles to function better.  We accomplish this with creative uses of instability and always forcing movement out of athletic position.

(*Only in the Deluxe and Ultimate Kits).
I am in Chest & Back + Balance, and V-Sculpt for those of you who are curious.  You can see most of the previews in the P90X2 section under workouts on this site HERE.

What Does P90X Come with and How Much Does it Cost?
-P90X2 Base Kit:

Fitness guide,Nutrition guide, Calendar, 12 workouts, 1 Bring It Again dvd, 
DVD:  $119.95
Blu-Ray: $149.85
Deluxe Kit:

Fitness guide, Nutrition guide, Calendar, 12 workouts, 1 Bring It Again dvd, 2 8lb Med Balls, Balance Ball, Foam Roller, ALL 14 Workouts (V-Sculpt and X2 Chest/Shoulders/Tris)
DVD:  $239.85
Blu-Ray: $299.85

- Ultimate Kit:

Fitness guide, Nutrition guide, Calendar, 12 workouts, 1 Bring It Again dvd, 2 8lb Med Balls, Balance Ball,Extreme Foam Roller, ALL 14 Workouts (V-Sculpt and X2 Chest/Shoulders/Tris), Power Stands
DVD:  $299.85
Blu-Ray: $359.85
-Shipping and Handling is FREE for Pre-Orders
Fitness Guide:

-Covers the phases, exercises and questions for P90X2. Explains the phase blocks in detail as well as written exercise explanations.

Nutrition Guide:

- More Versatility
-New Vegan, Vegetarian, and Gluten-Free Options, Paleo Options.  They have something for everyone and inbetween.
-27 Diet Guides in 1 to Fuel Your Performance.
90-Day Workout Calendar
-The workout calendar is there for you to track your progress.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

P90X2 Release Date

        Ever since the announcement of P90X2, everyone has been wondering when it is going to come out. Beachbody CEO Carl Daikeler announced in his personal blog that P90X2 would be available for pre-order at the end of August, and that it would be released by the end of the year in time for the holiday season.  He did not say much more about P90X2, but he gave the release date being somewhere near the end of 2011. So with 5 months left before the end of the year, P90X2 fever is increasing at a very rapid rate.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

P90X2 Workouts

As an all new program, P90X2 also has new and different workouts than P90X. Although many of the workouts have the same name with an "X2" added to the end, many of the moves are new and much more difficult. However, many of the moves may be the same or similar to a move in the original P90X, with an added twist to make the workout harder. As it is known so far, P90X2 has 14 workouts:

X2 Core
- Next Level of Core Synergistics
- Adds Plyo moves with core movements.
- More focus on lateral movements than in P90X which was more about jumping in one spot.
- Also works on higher vertical movements
X2 Recovery + Mobility
- An entire workout dedicated to recovery shows the importance of this in the program.
- This is not just about stretching.
X2 Total Body
- Just as it sounds. Example moves are “One-Armed Bicep Curl while in Warrior 3″, “Pull-Ups where your whole body is a crunch”, and “Plyometric Push-Ups on a Stability Ball.”
X2 Ab Ripper
- Fifer Scissors with an added toe touch.
- Other moves used in P90X One-on-One
X2 Yoga
- X2 takes a back to basics approach with a focus on constant flow. For example, standing balance moves are out and the warm-up is shorter.
- It condenses the very best of the best and is 65 minutes long.
Balance & Power
- This workout adds balance components to strength components.
Chest, Back, and Balance
- Many of the moves looked very similar to Chest, Back, and Balls from the P90X 1-on-1, Volume 3.
- 3-Ball Plyo Push-Ups, Levers, 4-Ball Push-Ups, etc
X2 Shoulders & Arms
- Shoulders are the link to everything in the upper body.
- The video was showing Pike Presses on 2 balls while your feet are elevated. Lying Tricep Extensions on a Stability Ball. Again, unstable surfaces will be the norm for P90X2
Base + Back
- Plyo moves and Pull-Ups in one workout. Again, some similarity from the P90X 1-on-1, Volume 3
P.A.P Upper
- Upper body workout that incorporates P.A.P workout science.
P.A.P. Lower
- Lower body workout that incorporates P.A.P. workout science

- Newer version of back and biceps

 Upper Body X

- An upper body workout

Note that V-sculpt and Upper Body X are bonus DVDs only available if you purchase P90X2 deluxe or P90X2 ultimate kits.
Looking at these workout descriptions, P90X2 is definitely going to be tough and hard. But it will also definitely deliver results.

Friday, July 22, 2011

P.A.P Workouts

      One huge difference between P90X and P90X2 is P.A.P. P.A.P stands for Post Activation Potentiation and is one of the best workout methods in the scientific world. It is what professional athletes use to build strength and agility. The way P.A.P works is quite simple. First, you do heavy weight lifting. Immediately after doing the heavy lifting, you do some explosive training. So in other terms, use slow twitch muscles first, then use fast twitch muscles and you will maximize your workout results. P90X2 is going to take this new, yet simple workout technique and incorporate it into the program to help maximize user results. P90X2 is going to be the best workout program ever made, and it's using every possible method and technique ever made to help it achieve that status.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Do Another Round of P90X Before Doing P90X2

          P90X2 is going to be an insane workout. There is no doubt about that. As Tony Horton has said, you will be training at the same level professional athletes are training at. So by the time you are done with P90X2, you will have the strength, speed, and stamina of one. The harder the workout is, the better shape the trainee needs to be in to do the workout. So it is recommended that before starting P90X2, you should complete one more round of P90X to put you in great physical shape so you can work your hardest during P90X2 and get the best results possible from it. Also, it may not be a good idea to try and do P90X2 unless you completed P90X in the past or are in great shape. Trying P90X2 and not being in the proper physical condition can harm your body and cause injuries. So if you don't want to complete P90X before doing P90X2, at least do 1 month of P90X to put your body in somewhat of a good physical condition. But remember, the 2 at the very end is because this is supposed to be a sequel to the original P90X, not a replacement workout.

Friday, July 15, 2011

New P90X2 Diet

         P90X, along with all other workout programs, has a "one diet fits all" diet. It gives the same diet for everyone, regardless of whether or not they are a vegan or any other eating habits they have. So some people either don't follow the guide and find other foods to eat, or just don't eat healthy at all!!! And as it has been stressed millions of times by thousands of people, nutrition is just as important as working out. You can workout as hard as you can and completely wear out your muscles, but if your body doesn't get enough protein to rebuild or if you put fat in your body instead, you won't see very good results. And Beachbody knows this. So, they called in a whole team of nutritionists to build a wide range of recipes for a wide range of people. From vegans to full carnivores, this list covers everyone. So it will be interesting to see what the guide looks like this time. But rest assured, there will now be a healthy meal for anyone in P90X2.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

No Cardio Workouts in P90X2

         In the original P90X workout, there was cardio exercise every other day. Cardio is great for burning extra fat and to help make the heart stronger. However, Tony Horton has announced that there will be no cardio exercises in P90X2. Now you may be thinking why this is. Well as Tony explained it, you will be working so hard, your heart rate will already be high enough like you are doing cardio exercises. Additionally, Tony said that Beachbody and the original P90X already have enough cardio exercises and you could hybridize those into the new P90X2 program. Finally, since P90X2 is really only for P90X grads or people who are already in great shape, most of them wont need cardio to burn off fat or lose weight. Cardio is only going to help them strengthen their hearts and stay in shape, and all the cardio they are going to need will be in the workouts. So to be honest, no cardio workouts will allow P90X2 trainees to be able to focus more on building muscle and getting in the best shape they can.

Monday, July 11, 2011

P90X2 in Blu-Ray!!!

           There are rumors going around that Beachbody and Sony are talking and trying to get P90X2 on Blu-Ray DVD.  With a lot of hard work going in to film P90X2, Beachbody wants to really show it off in full HD. Now the real question is if they can get the Blu-Ray DVDs made in time for the P90X2 release date, or if the Blu-Ray set will come out after the regular DVDs do. Beachbody and Sony are supposedly trying their hardest to make it so both come out on the same day, and the timeline is supposed to be tight, but they say it will happen. So if you are interested in getting P90X2 in Blu-Ray, there will be more information coming soon about it so you can know when and where to order it.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

More Equipment for P90X2

         One of the best things about the original P90X workout program was that it required very little equipment. Besides the DVDs, the only things necessary were workout bands/dumbbells and a pull-up bar. This is very little equipment for such a high intensity program. However, P90X2 will require much more equipment than that.  The biggest and most obvious reason for this is because the workouts are much more intense, and with more equipment you can do more diverse and intense workouts. If you are going to be training like a professional athlete, you gotta use at lease SOME tool that they do. At this point in time, the equipment that appears to be needed for P90X2 is

  • Medicine Ball
  • Balance Ball
  • Pull-up assistant band
  • Foam Roller
  • Dumbbells/Bands
  • Pull-up Bar
         Note that the last 2 are equipment that was used for the original P90X workout.

         Now you may be seeing all of this equipment and thinking "wow that's gonna be a lot of money" or something similar to that. But the truth is, you don't NEED all of this equipment. But, if you want the best results, you will need to use the equipment.  Additionally, most of the new equipment is cheap or can be made at home, so cost will not be a big factor in preventing you from getting optimum results. Most of these things cost anywhere from $10-$25 so most people will be able to add these items to their home gym.

Friday, July 8, 2011

First Look at P90X2

          P90X revolutionized the workout industry.  Instead of people having to pay for gym memberships and find a gym to workout at, people could now get ripped in the comfort of their own house.  No monthly gym memberships or drives to the gym.  Even more, all that was needed to workout were the DVDs, dumbbells or bands, and a pullup bar. Very simple equipment for a very challenging and complex program.  P90X was first released 7 years ago, so a sequel has been long overdue.  P90X2, previously known as P90X MC2, has been announced to be released in late 2011.  With this release, many P90X graduates will be crying tears, as now they will have a whole new 90 day program to complete.  Now that you know what P90X2 is, let's get into what it contains.

           P90X works on the principle of muscle confusion. You don't do the same exercises every day and your body won't know what's coming next or what to expect.  With this principle, working out will never become easy and your body will never plateau.  P90X2 works the same exact way.  Except this time, there is much more muscle confusion and much more intense workouts.  Instead of a 6 day workout week, this time it is only 5 days.  With much more intense workouts, you need much more rest to recover.  Additionally, there are 3 phases in the new P90X2 workout: Foundation, Strength, and Performance. 

        The foundation phase focuses mostly on preparing you for the strength phase and is very similar to the original P90X workouts.  However, you will start to workout new muscles you did not in the original P90X.  As you can derive from its name, you will be building your foundation for the program and for the muscle gains you will be making. 

       The strength phase will be when you make most of your strength and flexibility gains.  These workouts will require a lot of energy and will leave you breathless by the time you are done with them.  Breathless, but definitely much more stronger.

       The performance phase  is definitely gonna leave you feeling the X from P90X2.  In these last 30 days, you will be taking everything you have learned and done so far and intensifying it.  The training in this phase is said to be similar to that of a professional athlete, so by the time you are done you will have the strength, speed, stamina and hops of a professional athlete.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Take a look at the first preview released by Beachbody of P90X2!!!