Friday, July 15, 2011

New P90X2 Diet

         P90X, along with all other workout programs, has a "one diet fits all" diet. It gives the same diet for everyone, regardless of whether or not they are a vegan or any other eating habits they have. So some people either don't follow the guide and find other foods to eat, or just don't eat healthy at all!!! And as it has been stressed millions of times by thousands of people, nutrition is just as important as working out. You can workout as hard as you can and completely wear out your muscles, but if your body doesn't get enough protein to rebuild or if you put fat in your body instead, you won't see very good results. And Beachbody knows this. So, they called in a whole team of nutritionists to build a wide range of recipes for a wide range of people. From vegans to full carnivores, this list covers everyone. So it will be interesting to see what the guide looks like this time. But rest assured, there will now be a healthy meal for anyone in P90X2.

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