Sunday, July 24, 2011

P90X2 Workouts

As an all new program, P90X2 also has new and different workouts than P90X. Although many of the workouts have the same name with an "X2" added to the end, many of the moves are new and much more difficult. However, many of the moves may be the same or similar to a move in the original P90X, with an added twist to make the workout harder. As it is known so far, P90X2 has 14 workouts:

X2 Core
- Next Level of Core Synergistics
- Adds Plyo moves with core movements.
- More focus on lateral movements than in P90X which was more about jumping in one spot.
- Also works on higher vertical movements
X2 Recovery + Mobility
- An entire workout dedicated to recovery shows the importance of this in the program.
- This is not just about stretching.
X2 Total Body
- Just as it sounds. Example moves are “One-Armed Bicep Curl while in Warrior 3″, “Pull-Ups where your whole body is a crunch”, and “Plyometric Push-Ups on a Stability Ball.”
X2 Ab Ripper
- Fifer Scissors with an added toe touch.
- Other moves used in P90X One-on-One
X2 Yoga
- X2 takes a back to basics approach with a focus on constant flow. For example, standing balance moves are out and the warm-up is shorter.
- It condenses the very best of the best and is 65 minutes long.
Balance & Power
- This workout adds balance components to strength components.
Chest, Back, and Balance
- Many of the moves looked very similar to Chest, Back, and Balls from the P90X 1-on-1, Volume 3.
- 3-Ball Plyo Push-Ups, Levers, 4-Ball Push-Ups, etc
X2 Shoulders & Arms
- Shoulders are the link to everything in the upper body.
- The video was showing Pike Presses on 2 balls while your feet are elevated. Lying Tricep Extensions on a Stability Ball. Again, unstable surfaces will be the norm for P90X2
Base + Back
- Plyo moves and Pull-Ups in one workout. Again, some similarity from the P90X 1-on-1, Volume 3
P.A.P Upper
- Upper body workout that incorporates P.A.P workout science.
P.A.P. Lower
- Lower body workout that incorporates P.A.P. workout science

- Newer version of back and biceps

 Upper Body X

- An upper body workout

Note that V-sculpt and Upper Body X are bonus DVDs only available if you purchase P90X2 deluxe or P90X2 ultimate kits.
Looking at these workout descriptions, P90X2 is definitely going to be tough and hard. But it will also definitely deliver results.

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